Order number GMC1688-01F
He Will Hold Me Fast (SATB) (Moree)
Author(s): Ada Ruth Haberschon/ Matthew Merker Arrangement: Lennart Moree
(Minimaal af te nemen: 10)
Order number: | ECC17.1424.01 |
Medium: | Sheet music |
Published in magazine no.: | 45 |
Author(s): | Eric & Tanja Lagerström |
Language: | 01-English |
Theme: | General |
To vote: | SATB |
Suitable for: | Youth choir |
Difficulty level: | Moderately easy |
Sheet music: | Vocal, piano & rhythm |
Key(s): | A |
Tempo: | kw.=51 |
Style: | Praise & worship |
Copyright: | 2012 Small Stone Media t/a Hearts United Songs - www.smallstonemediasongs.com |
Water has something cleansing in itself. It is therefore often a symbol for a cleansing in our lives. 'Eternal (Stream of living water)' points to that effect of being able to bring together sinful man and the Holy God; a principle that has become permanent in Jesus, apart from cleansing rituals. Jesus became the living Water. This powerful song by Eric and Tanja Lagerstr?m brings all these images together, which appropriately enough has a majestic arrangement that swells like a swirling river, to end in peace like a babbling brook. The cry to the Eternal then sounds in peace; in the knowledge that the gap has been bridged and we may rest in that knowledge.