
Koormuziek.NL (a trade name of Small Stone Media BV)

Set up:
1993 in Dordrecht.

New, varied repertoire for choirs and groups in the full width of the choir spectrum: Classical to Black Gospel. Good, contemporary arrangements with accompanying articles such as backing tracks, orchestrations and practice material.

1/ Koormuziek.NL Membership : Choirs, conductors and interested parties can become members for €34.95 per year (This price has been the same since 2000!) In return, you will receive the magazine twice a year and a 10% discount on music orders.
2/ Koormuziek.NL Magazine, the digital publication with 100 new choir publications per year for mixed choir, youth choir, gospel choir, men's choir and women's choir, including listening fragments, background information and stories.
3/ Koormuziek.NL Webshop , where you can search, view, listen and order all songs. Everyone can order here of course but only members get 10% discount!
4/ Koormuziek.NL social media : Twitter and Facebook
5/ Koormuziek.NL Blog , with news, columns, interviews, background stories and free content!

A small but dedicated team works for Koormuziek NL as an engraver, arranger, editor, translator, editorial staff, sales, back office, accounting, webshop, DTP, contracts, royalty payments, etc.

1/ Thousands of choir arrangements. Most editions available in Dutch, English and sometimes German.
2/ More than 70 Koormuziek.NL Magazines (circulation 1,000 copies per edition), including
- Various Musicals/Cantatas for Christmas, General and Easter
- Various 'Specials' around one theme, e.g. 40 years of The Continentals, Loek van der Leeden, Martin Brand, Gospel Boulevard, God van Trouw (Forever Worship).
- Dutch-language St. Matthew Passion (texts by Ria Borkent), known from the EO.

Top titles:
>10,000 sold: Santo (Tore W. Aas)
> 5,000 sold: Peace Sounds Clear in the Night (Lloyd Larson/Visser), Lenten Meditation (Jay Althouse) and its Dutch translation Reflection (Jay Althouse/Ras-van Slooten), We Thank You (Remco Hakkert) and You Raise Me Up (Graham/Lovland)

Music by famous Dutch choir conductors:
The work of the artist is based on the work of the artist, who has been working on the project since 1984. He ...

Music by famous Dutch authors:
The work of the artist is based on the work of the artist, ...

Music by well-known international conductors/authors/arrangers:
Tom Fettke, Andrae Crouch, Lloyd Larson, Michael W. Smith, John W. Peterson, Travis Cottrell, Lari Goss, Mosie Lister, Tore W. Aas, Cam Floria, Darlene Zschech, Paul Baloche, Tom Parker, Martin Alfsen, Randy Vader, Robert Sterling, Jay Rouse, Jay Althouse, Graham Kendrick, Stuart Townend, Keith & Krystin Getty, Matt Redman, Sue C. Smith, eva

Music from (inter)nationally renowned music publishers:
Hope Publishing Company, Lorenz Publishing Company, Small Stone Media, Universal Music-Brentwood Benson, Capitol CMG Publishing, Hillsong Music Publishing, Shawnee Press, Thankyou Music, Integrity Music Co., Word Music, OCP Oregon Catholic Press, John W. Peterson Music, GIA Publications, Lifeway Worship, Bethel Music Publishing, Hal Leonard, Vineyard Music Publishing, Fred Bock Music, Choristers Guild, Santa Barbara Music Publishing, Make Way Music, Oxford University Press, Ekklesia Music Publishing, Elrik Music, Reli Songs, Unisong Music Publishers, Joh. de Heer & Zn, Frisia Cantat, eva