Order number GMC1688-01F
He Will Hold Me Fast (SATB) (Moree)
Author(s): Ada Ruth Haberschon/ Matthew Merker Arrangement: Lennart Moree
(Minimaal af te nemen: 10)
Order number: | ECC17.1383.01 |
Medium: | Sheet music |
Published in magazine no.: | 44 |
Author(s): | Adrian Roest, Marcel Koning |
Translation by: | Erwin Vos and James MacMillan |
Language: | 01-English |
Theme: | General |
Bible reference: | Texts from the NBV |
To vote: | SATB/Solo |
Suitable for: | Mixed choir / Youth choir |
Difficulty level: | moderately |
Sheet music: | Vocal, piano & rhythm |
Key(s): | FC |
Tempo: | kw=62 |
Style: | Psalm |
Particulars: | Project Words of Value |
Copyright: | 2012 Small Stone Media- Smallstonemediasongs.com | Selah Music |
Always with You is a new song in the Words of Value series; a series of songs in which Bible passages literally form the text. In this case, these are verses from Psalm 73 (NBV), in which our dependence on God is expressed with a rhetorical question; who do we have in heaven besides God? The musically spicy bridge is spicy for a reason; it underlines God as the rock of our existence.