Order number GMC1688-01F
He Will Hold Me Fast (SATB) (Moree)
Author(s): Ada Ruth Haberschon/ Matthew Merker Arrangement: Lennart Moree
(Minimaal af te nemen: 10)
Order number: | ECC17.1190.01 |
Medium: | Sheet music |
Published in magazine no.: | 38 |
Author(s): | Trad. |
Arrangement: | Martin Zonnenberg |
Language: | 01-English |
Theme: | General |
To vote: | SATB |
Suitable for: | Mixed choir |
Difficulty level: | Moderately easy |
Sheet music: | Vocal, piano & rhythm |
Style: | Hymn |
Copyright: | 2011 Small Stone Media t/a Living Water Music. Smallstonemediasongs.com |
Winter is over again. Nature comes to life and if you look closely you will see one miracle after another happening before your eyes. If you want to get to know God, His majesty, His creativity and His infinite love - then look how nature shouts out its greatness. So sing for Him with everything that is in you and join in the song of praise for our Creator. General: The sweet smell of flowers, the bird that sings, the golden lit mountains, the rushing river, everything that is of value sings the greatness of His name. He gave us a voice that can say how great and mighty God is.