Hallelujah for the Christ Child

Hallelujah for the Christ Child

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Order number: ECC17.1875.02
Medium: Sheet music
Published in magazine no.: 61
Author(s): Chris Tomlin, Jonas Myrin
Arrangement: Steve Mauldin
Translation by: Jolanda Koning- de Jong
Language: 02-Dutch
Theme: Christmas
To vote: SATB
Suitable for: Youth choir
Difficulty level: Moderately
Sheet music: Vocal, piano & rhythm
Tempo: kw=60
Style: Worship ballad
Copyright: 2016 Son of the Lion/Worship Together Music/sixsteps Songs (adm by Smallstonemediasongs.com) | SDG Publishing


Alleluia... Christ, the Redeemer of the world, has come! Chris Tomlin wrote this understated Christmas song, and Steve W. Mauldin's subtle arrangement creates an atmosphere in which we can honor Him with awe and wonder. The song is taken from the musical, "O Night Divine"

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