Blessed Redeemer

Blessed Redeemer

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Bestel nummer: ECC17.1248.01
Medium: Bladmuziek
Verschenen in magazine nr.: 40
Auteur(s): Mark Hall & Bernie Herms
Arrangement: David T. Clydesdale
Taal: 01-English
Thema: Pasen
Stemmen: SATB/solo
Geschikt voor: Jongerenkoor & Gospelkoor/Gemengdkoor
Moeilijkheidsgraad: moderately / easy
Bladmuziek: Vocal, piano & rhythm
Toonsoort(en): A
Tempo: kw=76
Stijl: Ballad
Copyright: © 2009 My Refuge Music/Word Music/Banahama Tunes. For the Benelux: | Swecs Music/Sony/ATV Music Publishing


Easter: Blessed Redeemer was written from a desire to grasp the darkness of death on the cross in light of the blessing Jesus brings as our Savior. Mark Hall, lead singer of Casting Crowns, chose this song to sing with his home church, because it united hearts through its simplicity in melody but haunting singing in parts. The basis for the song is its beautiful melody, drawing us to the cruel cross of our Blessed Redeemer where an emotional swell by the choir reflects His sacrifice. It turned out to give those in the congregation deep reflection and insight into Easters core meaning. The poignant a cappella finish leaves us in awe with the knowledge of the love of this Precious Redeemer.

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