Remember (Orkestratie)

Remember (Orkestratie)

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Bestel nummer: ECC17.1252ORCH
Medium: Print Orkestratie
Verschenen in magazine nr.: 40
Auteur(s): Laura Story
Arrangement: Bradley Knight
Thema: Pasen
Geschikt voor: Jongerenkoor & Gospelkoor/Gemengdkoor
Tempo: kw=67
Stijl: Hymn
Copyright: © 2008 New Spring Publishing/Gleaning Publishing/Imagem Music. For Europe: and Wordspring Music. For the and Years Later Music/Song Solution


‘Remember’ was originally written for that meditative moment while having Eucharist: that moment where you use the time to contemplate on Christ’s sacrifice. It is that silent moment that drove the music in this track: ‘Remember’ is a serene, contemplative song that allows a lead-vocal to take center stage. It’s also a song you sing as much to yourself as you do to others: ‘This is the Lamb Who was slain for us, so we the church may enter in.

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